Monday, June 16, 2014

You loved me so much daddy

In the beginning daddy you was my first love and i was your little girl .When i was little even though people would laugh because you played dolls with me you didn't care .You loved me so much daddy .I love how when i was little i held onto your shirt when we played kickball even though i couldn't run as fast as you i laughed because i weighed you down but you didn't care i was still your team mate You loved me so much Daddy. Even though we looked silly when we danced we had so much fun we didn't care You loved me so much daddy .When i got in trouble you disciplined me to teach me right from wrong bad from good You loved me so much daddy when i grew older You taught me how to respect myself and didn't stand for boys breaking my heart you would always hold me when i cried You loved me so much daddy When i met that special someone you knew i wasn't going to be with you for long .You loved me so much daddy When i got married to my husband you didn't want to let me go but you knew you had to  You loved me so much daddy  When i moved away i knew it broke your heart  but you knew wherever my husband went i should go with him You loved me so much daddy As i grew older you still captured my heart i look up to you and as i see you age and your health failing it breaks my heart because i know you wont be here for long but i know you will always be with me wherever i go because You loved me so much Daddy.....I love you daddy

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